Teens and Talk: Important Things to Discuss about Dating

At some point in their teenage years, many adolescents start to become interested in dating. This can be an exciting and scary time for both parents and teens. Parents may worry about their teen's safety and well-being, while teens may be worried about how their parents will react. It is important to have a conversation early on to help them navigate this new experience.

Below are just a few of the topics to be discussed along the way.

1. Consent

Consent is when someone agrees to do something or allows something to happen. It's essential to explain to your teen that consent can be withdrawn at any time and that it's not valid if someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. You should also let them know that they can come to you for support if they ever feel uncomfortable.

2. Pressure

Dating gives people a chance to get to know each other better, but it doesn't mean that they're ready for physical involvement. It's important to talk about consent and what it means and to discuss what being pressured looks like and how to avoid it. As a parent, it's important to talk about manipulative comments like this so that your teen knows what to look for and how to respond. If your teen is the one making these kinds of comments, it's essential to let them know that this behaviour is not acceptable.

3. Clear Expectations

As a parent, you want to make sure that your teen is safe and responsible when they start dating. You can do this by setting rules and boundaries for them to follow, such as communicating with you about where they are going and who they will be with. You can also meet their date to get to know them better. Encouraging group dates can also be a good way to make sure your teen is not always alone. If you are clear about your expectations and consequences from the start, your teen will be more likely to follow the rules.

4. Respect

Talking to your teen about respect in relationships, regardless of the situation, is important. Different cultures have different customs around hugging, kissing, and other forms of greeting, so it's essential to communicate with your partner about what is appropriate. It's also important to emphasize that violence is never acceptable in a relationship, and there could be legal consequences for violence.

5. Red Flags

This means that out of every five adolescents, one has experienced physical violence in a dating relationship. Teen dating violence can take many forms, such as physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. It can also include stalking, which is defined as a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other form of intimidation. Physical teen dating violence is a serious problem that can have many negative consequences.

Victims of physical teen dating violence may experience depressed moods, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse, and poor academic performance. This type of violence is often committed by a current or former dating partner and can have a lasting impact on the victim's life. If you notice your teen is suddenly moody or irritable, it may be a sign that something is wrong in their relationship. Help them by talking to them and seeing what's going on.


There are many important things to discuss with your teen about dating. Some of these include: setting dating rules and expectations, communicating with their date, and being respectful and safe. Having an open and honest conversation about sex and relationships is also vital. By having these discussions, you can help your teen navigate the dating world in a healthy and safe way.

If you are looking for an institution that provides teen counselling in Guelph, then our practitioners at Chettiar Counselling & Associates are here to help out your teens. Our therapists provide support for managing anxiety, depression, anger management, addiction counselling, etc. Call us today to determine the exact counselling services that your teens would need.

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