The Differences between Anger Management and Anger Expression

Most people are not aware that anger management is different from anger expression. People tend to mix them up as both exhibit raised voices and impressions; however, there are certain things to look out for when it comes to differentiating them.

To better understand what they are both all about, it would be best to see their significant differences, as listed below.

1. Implied Intent

Most people view anger expression as a means of venting out anger to reduce stress and anxiety. Some resort to this kind of reaction when they feel like they need to yell and scream to release their feelings inside. Others use it as a means to deal with their emotions when they feel that they are being overwhelmed and are on the verge of exploding.

On the other hand, anger management is a way to control emotions and behaviours that pose harm to oneself. In other words, it is used to avoid conflicts and violent reactions and control situations.

2. Purpose

Anger expression and management are used to achieve different things. The former is used to express rage and vent out anger, while the latter is used to restore calm, avoid conflicts, and maintain self-control.

3. Reactions

Anger expression occurs when a person is overcome with emotions, making them react differently. They are not thinking straight and are under the influence of their feelings.

Anger management is based on controlling every single emotion that one feels. For this reason, a lot of people are mindful of their emotions as they are aware of their existence.

4. Duration

Anger expression lasts for a certain amount of time, depending on the individual. It may last from a few seconds to a few weeks.

Anger management is something that is developed and improved continually, resulting in reduced and controlled anger.

5. Sustainability

Anger management is a long-term approach to handling anger. This is because it entails a series of actions and steps to be followed in order to control emotions.

On the other hand, an anger demonstration is a short-term approach to dealing with anger; after venting out emotions, the person is freed from any more stress or anxiety. This can only be sustained for a very short period of time.

6. Consequences

Anger expression can lead to violent reactions, physical harm, and relationship issues. This, in turn, can lead to mental and emotional stress, strained relationships, and other problems that can have significant impacts, both bad and good.

On the other hand, anger management is said to improve one’s relationships with friends and family. It also makes one happy and less stressed.

7. Empowerment

Many people express their anger because they believe it helps them feel better and in control. They feel that they are reducing their stress and anxiety by putting their emotions inside to good use. But this is a fallacy. When you express your feelings, you are actually trying to gain control and power over your emotions. As a result, you are actually feeling empowered.


Overall, anger management is better than anger expression as it is a long-term solution to help control emotions. It is a way of thinking in a very organized and systematic way. It is also an excellent way to express oneself as it is essential for one’s well-being.

It also improves one’s emotional and psychological aspects and helps them to cope with whatever life brings to the table.

If you are looking for an experienced therapist who provides anger management sessions in Cambridge, look no further than our experts at Chettiar Counselling and Associates. Our therapists provide support for managing anxiety, depression, anger management, amongst other things. Call us today and let us help you get through your current struggles.

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